Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Vitamin D - Quickly Becoming the Nutrient of the Decade

Sunlight is an important source of Vitamin D
Proper Vitamin D levels in the body affect your health in many ways. In addition to preventing bone diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis, it has been shown to aid in: regulating the secretion of insulin by the pancreas, heart and blood pressure regulation, muscle strength and brain activity.  It can also reduce the risk of contracting the flu. At least 5 studies have shown an inverse relation between vitamin D levels and lower respiratory tract infections.
Vitamin D has been shown to be biologically linked to 36 organ tissues in the body, which implies that insufficient levels of vitamin D negatively impacts these tissues.

According to an article by Dr Mercola (Vitamin D is a key player in your overall health) Vitamin D has also been linked to cancer prevention. "A study by Dr. William Grant, Ph.D., internationally recognized research scientist and vitamin D expert, found that about 30 percent of cancer deaths -- which amounts to 2 million worldwide and 200,000 in the United States -- could be prevented each year with higher levels of vitamin D.

Vitamin D has a protective effect against cancer in several ways, including:

• Increasing the self-destruction of mutated cells (which, if allowed to replicate, could lead to cancer)
• Reducing the spread and reproduction of cancer cells
• Causing cells to become differentiated (cancer cells often lack differentiation)
• Reducing the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, which is a step in the transition of dormant tumors turning cancerous

Beyond cancer, the researchers pointed out that increasing levels of vitamin D3 could prevent diseases that claim nearly 1 million lives throughout the world each year! And other studies showed that you can decrease your risk of cancer by MORE THAN HALF simply by optimizing your vitamin D levels with sun exposure."

It is estimated that 80-90 percent of Americans are Vitamin D deficient and I encourage everyone to get their levels checked. I have not met one person that got their levels checked and was not found to be deficient in this essential nutrient.

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