Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What is all the hype about GMO's?

Lately there has been a lot of commotion about genetically modified organisms, or GMO's. To create GMO's, scientists are gene-splicing vegetable seedlings with toxic herbicides and pesticides.This results in a plant that is protected from the insects that would otherwise damage them. This is not only introducing toxins into plants from the ground up, but Americans are now ingesting these unnatural plant varieties that our body doesn't recognize and it can have disastrous effects. In a recent study, a whopping 70% of female rats (50% of male rats) that were fed a GMO corn diet died prematurely - almost all from cancer.

There are currently no studies on the long term effects of genetically modifying our food supply and many countries are boycotting American exports for this reason. There is even a growing group of people that believe GMO's are responsible for the allergy academic.

GMO's have been in the news recently due in part to a bill coming for a vote in California next month that would require food companies to label their food if they use GMO's. The food companies are highly opposed to this as it will likely result in a drop in their sales. However, this will be a huge win for consumer's right to know if it goes through. Monsanto is the number one company that produces GMO seedlings and has millions rallying against them. To learn more about Monsanto and the fight in California visit the website

What can you do to avoid GMO's? The best thing you can do is make sure that you choose organic products for the top genetically modified foods. Foods must be GMO free to be certified organic. The top 10 genetically modified foods are: Corn, Soy, Cotton, Papaya, Rice, Tomatoes, Rapeseed (Canola Oil), Dairy Products (choose Organic or rbGH free), Potatoes and Peas.

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